Folks are sitting around pools and the temps are reaching triple digits. The Redskins are in training camp. Commercials are heralding back to school specials. These occurences can only mean one thing. It is time for the Montgomery County Fair.
Now, I have been going to the fair since Gaithersburg was the outer fringe of Montgomery County. Directions to the fair included things like...go on out the Washington Frederick Road past Agnew Inn about 10 miles, once you go over the bridge the fairgrounds will be on your left. Today folks will use 270 and exit right into the fairground area or drive over to Lake Forest Mall and take the shuttle.
There is more information at www.mcagfair.com/
I will be working in the commercial building during the fair. My personal schedule is:
10th 3-6
11th 10-2
14th 6-10
15th 2-6
17th 10-2
17th 6-10
18th 2-6
If you can stop by, I will gladly answer any questions you have about real estate and I may even throw in a hot tip on the "pig races". If you come by at times that are not on my schedule, check the BINGO booth. The old guy eating cotton candy, playing three cards at once .... that will be me.
Enjoy...it remains Montgomery Countys finest tradition.
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