Well, my first day at the fair has come to an end. I have a feeling that the people that stopped by to chat and ask questions represent many of you that haven't had the chance to stop by. I thought I would share a little of the information requested.
Bob T. came by and shared that he and his wife had recently sold and were now renting a condo. He said that they got less than they thought they would get for the house and decided it would be better to rent for a year before buying another home. He and his wife saw a couple homes they liked. They figure with all the turmoil in the market, the prices will drop and they will get a better deal next spring.
I just happened to have my laptop with me (had to use the battery, the fair did not include an electrical outlet in the package). I pulled up the two homes that he mentioned to see if the price had come down. He and his wife just stared blankly at the screen when both listings came up as sold. Not only that, one of them sold for a bit more than the asking and the other sold for full list price.
I told Bob, prices may come down a bit. No one has a crystal ball. The downside of waiting is that someone else may like the property you want and they may not be willing to wait. There may be another house just like the one you didn't buy. No one has a crystal ball. All we can do is act on the facts before us.
If you buy the home you want today, and a similar home sells next spring for less money, you still own the home you want. Next springs prices have nothing to do with today's prices. In the long term, home values go up. You are buying a home, not investing in real estate. Tomorrow will always have the possibility of being better or being worse. Today you can make decisions based on facts...not possibilities.
So......that was the most involved question of the day. Two steak sandwiches and one ice cream cone later...my day was done (now if I only get them to call B7, I will have Bingo 2 ways on one card and a four corner on another).
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